CSR – Sustainability

Long-term sustainability

We contribute to our clients’ businesses being successful in the long term, which is why we participate in the definition of the sustainability strategy as a pillar of the business strategy, measure the impact of social investment, monitor results, design communication plans with creative and innovative tools, and build the storytelling and narrative that connects with stakeholders.

Design Sustainability Strategies that are a transversal part of the business strategy

Define indicators and measurement parameters that allow us to report progress

Develop "Social Impact Assessments" that allow us to know the focus, impact and results of the investment in environmental and social issues, connecting it with the SDGs, key audiences and business objectives. The analysis permits the development of a communication strategy that can enhance the impact of social investment as a reputational asset

Develop communication and stakeholder engagement plans

Design and participate in the corporate governance bodies responsible for CSR or sustainability, to ensure consistency, continuity and effective communication