Team | Oda Helen Sletnes

Oda Helen Sletnes

Senior Advisor


KREABs new Senior Advisor has a long and varied experience in European affairs. Oda has been Norway’s Ambassador to the European Union twice, 2006-11 and 2015-18, and was President of the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) 2011-2015, an independent body which monitors compliance with EU and EEA law in the EFTA States.

During her time as a career diplomat in the Norwegian Foreign Service, she has held several senior positions, such as Director General for European affairs and most recently as Norway’s ambassador to France. In May 2022 Oda was appointed member of an independent government commission which is tasked to assess the effects of the EEA agreement on Norwegian businesses and society. She is fluent in English and French in addition to Norwegian.
