

The trade practice comprises a highly competent team of former trade and customs officials from the European Commission, the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the US International Trade Administration and national European administrations. Many of our consultants have operated at the senior levels in these institutions.

Our team has profound technical expertise in issues across the trade policy spectrum and understands how they impact our client’s business and interests. We combine this expertise with our in-depth understanding of regulatory procedures and the politics of trade. Taken together, these capabilities enable Kreab to help our clients navigate the complex maze of EU and global trade policy.

To view our expertise you can download our brochure here

We provide the following services on trade:

Trade Defence Instruments

Trade Defence Instruments

Use of anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguard measures are on the increase. Companies need to understand the best way to manage these complicated processes, that are legal, economic and often highly political in nature. Using our deep knowledge of the relevant procedures we will help you to communicate with key decision makers and stakeholders, in order to get the best result for your organization.

Customs and Processing Licence Applications

Customs and Processing Licence Applications

We assist companies with these highly technical procedures drawing on decades of experience working in and with the relevant authorities at European and national levels.

Quota Management and Extensions

Quota Management and Extensions

We help clients to communicate with decision-makers and stakeholders on quota widening, reduction and extension.

Investment Screening and Protection

Investment Screening and Protection

In recent years there has been increased dialogue globally on screening investment for economic and security purposes. Kreab is following these developments closely and advising clients on the direction of travel in major jurisdictions.



With the proliferation of tensions geopolitically, there has also been increased focus on and usage of sanctions. We keep clients closely informed of and advised on developments, including differing approaches between the EU, the US and other jurisdictions.

Free Trade Agreements

Free Trade Agreements

Kreab has supported client interests in numerous trade negotiations, providing input through diplomatic and political channels, as well as organizing promotion of trade agreements at grassroots level via media and social media campaigns.