Public Affairs- Health Senior Director
Ricardo holds a degree in Political Science and Administration from the Complutense University in Madrid, specializing in Political Analysis. He also has a degree in Cooperation and Security in the Mediterranean (UCM) and Nursing (UAM). Additionally, he participated in a one-year study abroad programme at the University of Leeds, UK.
For the last two and a half years, he has served as Chief of Cabinet of the Ministry of Health of the Junta de Castilla y León, playing a key role in the political and technical decision making of the Ministry. He was in charge of the coordination of the various general directorates under the Ministry, as well as being responsible for the dialogue with the various parliamentary groups that supported the regional government.
Previously, for seven years, he was technical manager for the Area of Health and Social Services at the Congress of Deputies, first for the UPyD group and, subsequently, for the Ciudadanos group, where he led the way for the processing of many parliamentary initiatives related to the health, social, childhood, culture and equality areas.