Privacy Policy


Controller: KREAB IBERIA, S.L.

N.I.F.: B-82.861.048.

Address: Calle del Poeta Joan Maragall (formerly Capitán Haya) number 38-8th floor, Cuzco II Building, 28020 Madrid.

Phone: 91 702 71 70


KREAB IBERIA, SL, within the framework of its regulatory compliance policy, is committed to protecting the privacy of any person accessing its Website, as well as its partners, customers, suppliers, employees, and, in general anyone with whom they are related.

This Privacy Policy explains how KREAB IBERIA collects, stores and treats personal information.

By accessing and making use of this Website, as well as having any relationship or communication with KREAB IBERIA, personal data of Users are collected and processed, whose treatment is regulated by this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”). All the terms that are written in capital letters will have the same meaning as established in the General Conditions of Use (to which you can access in this link), unless they are not defined in these General Conditions, in which case they are explicitly defined in this Policy Privacy.

At some point, it is possible that we modify our Privacy Policy without having previously notified you, so we encourage you to check the terms of this Privacy Policy each time you visit our Website.

References to applicable legislation in this Privacy Policy must be understood as referring to Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter, “GRPD”), as well as any Spanish regulations in vigor (hereinafter and collectively: the “Data Protection Laws”).



The data controller of the personal data that the User and any person facilitates when accessing and using this Website, as well as those that may be facilitated as a consequence of the upholding of any relationship, is KREAB IBERIA, SL, a commercial company of Spanish nationality, domiciled at calle del Poeta Joan Maragall (formerly Captain Haya) number 38-8th floor, Cuzco II Building, 28020 Madrid, with NIF: B-82.861.048 and registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, Volume 16.087, Folio 117, Sheet M-272444.

Contact telephone number: 91 702 71 70.

Contact email:


Personal data we process. Purposes and legitimation.

The type of personal data we collect and process from the Users of this Website and those derived from any provision of services, commercial, professional or employment relationship, where appropriate, are those provided by said Users when accessing the Website, as well as those corresponding to voluntary subscriptions and contracting of our products and services, newsletters, invitations to events, and other activities or publications.

In the event that any person provides us with personal data of third parties, they guarantee that they have been informed prior to their inclusion, of the ends contained in this Privacy Policy, personally answering to KREAB IBERIA for the damages that may arise in case of their violation.

Notwthstanding the foregoing, and depending on the relationship that a person has maintained or maintains with KREAB IBERIA, we process their personal data in accordance with the following:


Personal data related to commercial and business relationships and contacts.

If you have had contact with KREAB IBERIA, for example, by sending us an email or meeting with representatives or KREAB IBERIA staff, giving us your professional card, we can keep and process the professional contact information you have provided us: name and surname, position, organization and other contact details such as telephone, postal address and / or email. This information is stored in our files for the following purposes:

  • Keep in touch with you; including the execution of a contract between KREAB IBERIA and any entity in which you continue to represent or provide its services.
  • Provide you with updated information about our publications, activities and events.
  • Invite you to presentations and events.
  • Share digital communications or newsletters.

The indicated information can be shared with companies that process data on behalf of KREAB IBERIA, as providers of information hosting services, maintenance of networks and systems, accountants, lawyers or other consultants, as well as other KREAB group companies when there is a legal basis for it. All of them will be considered as “Data Processors” according to this term that is defined in the GRPD.

By virtue of what is established in the Data Protection Laws, our legal basis or legitimacy to process the personal information indicated about you is: (i) that said processing is necessary for the fulfilment and execution of a contract, or (ii) the legitimate interest in the management and/or execution of KREAB IBERIA’s activity; and (iii) the consent given by the owner, in the case of relationships not based on the previous two.

Data storage time:

Contractual relations: during the term of the contractual relationship and seven years after, except in the case of being necessary to be held for a longer period due to interruption of limitation periods, at the expiration of said terms.

Remaining business relationships based on legitimate interest: for a maximum period of fifteen years from the last contact with you.

Relationships based on consent: will be held until the moment you decide to withdraw the consent given.


Personal data on suppliers and advisors.

If you are a KREAB IBERIA supplier, or one of its professional advisors, we will keep and process the professional contact information you have given us: name and surname, position, organization and other contact details such as telephone, postal and / or email, as well as all related to the upholding of said professional relationship in accordance with the applicable regulations. This information is stored in our files for the following purposes:

  • Manage and preserve the information generated in the framework of the provision of the professional services, including the generated deliverables and the advice provided.
  • Entrust you with additional services.
  • Provide you with updated information about our publications, activities and events.
  • Invite you to presentations and events.

The indicated information can be shared with companies that process data on behalf of KREAB IBERIA, as providers of information hosting services, maintenance of networks and systems, accountants, lawyers or other consultants, as well as other KREAB group companies when there is a legal basis for it. All of whom will be considered as “Data Processors” according to this term that is defined in the GRPD.

By virtue of what is established in the Data Protection Laws, our legal basis or legitimacy to process the personal data about you is that said treatment is necessary for the fulfilment and execution of a contract, or in the case that a contractual relationship is not in force, the legitimate interest in the management and promotion of KREAB IBERIA’s activity.

Data storage time:

Contractual relations: during the term of the contractual relationship and seven years after, except in the case of being necessary to be held for a longer period due to interruption of limitation periods, at the expiration of said terms.

Remaining business relationships based on legitimate interest: for a maximum period of fifteen years from the last contact with you.

Relationships based on consent: will be held until the moment you decide to withdraw the consent given.


Personal data on KREAB IBERIA partners.

KREAB IBERIA, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, holds a register of partners that includes all those individuals or legal entities that hold company shares and / or any right to the same. This information is maintained by KREAB IBERIA for the following purposes:

  • Maintain the relationship between KREAB IBERIA and its partners, as well as legal ones between the latter.
  • Communicate with the partners for the purpose of any information of interest and comply with the legal obligations established by the applicable regulations (corporate, accounting, tax, etc.)
  • Make any payments according to law: payment of dividends, etc.

The indicated information may be shared with companies that process data on behalf of KREAB IBERIA, as providers of information hosting services, maintenance of networks and systems, accountants, lawyers or other consultants (“Data Processors”), other partners and authorities and public administrations when legally appropriate.

By virtue of what is established in the Data Protection Laws, our legal basis or legitimacy to deal with the personal data on you is that such treatment is necessary for the fulfilment and execution of your relationship with KREAB IBERIA and its partners.

Data storage time: indefinite or for the maximum time allowed by commercial legislation that is applicable to these types of records.


Personal data on the employees of KREAB IBERIA.

If you are an employee of KREAB IBERIA, we will keep and process the personal contact data that you have given us in your curriculum vitae, as well as all those relating to the upholding of such employment relationship in accordance with the applicable regulations. This information is stored in our files for the following purposes:

  • Uphold the employment relationship.
  • Compliance with legal obligations.
  • Make any payments according to law.

The indicated information can be shared with companies that process data on behalf of KREAB IBERIA, as providers of information hosting services, maintenance of networks and systems, advisors, lawyers, accountants and outsourced service providers (“Data Processors”), authorities and public administrations when legally appropriate.

By virtue of what is established in the Data Protection Laws, our legal basis or legitimacy to handle personal data about you is that said treatment is necessary for the fulfilment and execution of the contractual relationship, as well as the legitimate interest in the development and business management of KREAB IBERIA.

Data storage time: during the term of the contractual relationship and seven years thereafter, except in the event that their holding is necessary for a longer period, taking into account the statute of limitations established by the different laws applicable to labor relations (Social Security, Statutes of the Workers, Prevention of Labor Risks and tax laws), upon the expiration of said terms.


Personal data provided in personnel selection processes.

If you have applied for a job at KREAB IBERIA or have participated in a selection process and have provided us with your curriculum vitae, we will retain and handle the personal data included in it, as well as those you would have facilitated in the selection process (for example in the performance of capacity tests, professional qualification, etc.) for a period of two years or until you notify us of your request for cancellation, if said period of time is shorter.

The indicated information can be shared with companies that process data on behalf of KREAB IBERIA, as providers of information hosting services, maintenance of networks and systems, advisors, lawyers, accountants and outsourced service providers (“Data Processors”), authorities and public administrations when legally appropriate.

Our legal basis or legitimacy to handle the personal data about you is for the selection process in which you have voluntarily decided to participate in, and for which you have given us your express consent.


Mandatory provision of data.

 KREAB IBERIA will inform the owner of the data, when requesting personal information, if such provision is mandatory, including the possible consequences of not providing specific information. KREAB IBERIA will only process the personal data you provide for the purposes listed above.


International transfers of data.

 KREAB IBERIA belongs to an international group. However, KREAB IBERIA does not make international transfers of data to third countries unless it has a legal basis for this. After previously obtaining the corresponding consent, or when appropriate for the execution and upholding of a contractual relationship in the legally established terms.


KREAB IBERIA, S.L. subsidiaries.

The subsidiaries of KREAB IBERIA, S.L., of which it holds control (as such concept is defined in article 42 of the Commercial Code), are the following:

  • KREAB BOLIVIA, S.A., domiciled at Calle Bernardo Cadario 3060 Edificio Sobode – Oficina 102 Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
  •  KREAB COLOMBIA, SAS, Calle 98 No. 10-32 Ofc. 204 Bogota D.C. – Colombia.
  •  KREABECUADOR, S.A., calle Naciones Unidas, entre Nuñez de Vela e Iñaquito. Edificio Metropolitan. Oficina 901, Quito, Ecuador.
  •  KREAB CHILE, SpA, domiciled at Edificio Geocostanera, Andrés Bello 2299, oficina 1003. Providencia, Santiago, Chile.
  • KREAB PERÚ, S.A. calle Amador Merino Reyna Nº 281 Int. 9B, Lima, Perú.


Periodic business updates.

 KREAB IBERIA can use the personal data held in its files to send you periodic updates on its activities, services and opportunities, in particular by email and newsletter-type publications. You can choose not to receive updates at any time by contacting us, or by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in any email you receive.


Rights of the data owner.

 The persons whose personal data KREAB IBERIA processes as indicated here may have the right to access your personal data, or request that it be deleted, that its handling be restricted or that any inaccurate personal data be modified or corrected. You may also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, or, in some circumstances, to obtain a copy of personal data in machine-readable form exercising the right of data portability, if applicable.

Also, in the case that consent has been granted for a specific purpose, the owner of the data has the right to revoke that consent at any time, without such revocation affecting the legality of the processing based on the consent prior to the revocation.

Any request of this kind must be sent in writing to KREAB IBERIA, either by post or email at the addresses indicated above. In the case of exercising any of the aforementioned rights of the affected party, the right exercised must be indicated in the communication, and a photocopy of their identity document or similar legal identification proving their identity must be attached.

Likewise, the holders of the data have the right to submit a claim to a Control Authority, which in Spain is the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.


Accuracy and security.

 KREAB IBERIA will handle the personal data contained in its files accurately and in an updated manner. If, as the owner of the data, you believe that KREAB IBERIA has personal data about you that is outdated or incorrect, please notify us by mail or email at the addresses indicated above.

KREAB IBERIA will uphold adequate and reasonable state of the art security measures at all times, to protect the confidentiality and security of the data that it holds in its files, but cannot guarantee the security of the data transferred on-line. You accept the security risks inherent in providing data by electronic and Internet means, and will not hold KREAB IBERIA responsible for any breach of security, unless it is caused by its gross negligence or deliberate non-compliance.

The User undertakes to notify KREAB IBERIA of any change or modification of the personal data provided as soon as possible. Any loss or damage caused to the Website, to KREAB IBERIA, or to any third party through the communication of erroneous, inaccurate or incomplete data will be the sole responsibility of the User.