Explaining complex issues
in a simple way

We create value through communication





Internal Communications

Sustainable Business


Daniel Fuentes, director of Kreab Research; Carlos Cuerpo, Minister of Economy, Trade and Enterprise; María Muñoz, director of Public Affairs at Kreab; and Miguel Ferre, Senior Partner of Public Affairs and Sustainability, at Kreab in a meeting held at Kreab Madrid - April 2024

Political event due related to the Catalonian elections with Òscar Ordeig, spokesman for Enterprise and Industry at PSC-Units parliamentary group - April 2024

Kreab event on sustainability and the textile sector with representatives at from Twinco Capital, Better Buying Initiative, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise, ISEM Fashion Business School, Amfori, Reportia, Jeanología and Textil Santanderina - March 2024

Pablo Zamorano, Senior Communications Partner at Kreab; Laura Shelley and Fay Margo, COO and CEO at Brackendale Consulting; and Miguel Ángel Aguirre, Managing Partner at Kreab Spain during Kreab’s Financial Talk: “Navigating the international fundraising drought” - April 2024

Ricardo Pérez, Director of PP. AA. at Kreab; Miguel Ferre, Senior Partner of Public Affairs and Sustainability at Kreab; Miguel López-Valverde, Digitalization Counselor of the Community of Madrid; and Alberto Valentín, Associate Director of Public Affairs and Sustainability at Kreab during a meeting with clients - May 2024


We are the hub of 9 countries in Latin America and Morocco:

Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Brasil, Peru, Panama, Argentina and Morocco

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