Vision, values and ethical code

Our vision

To create value for our clients through creativity, innovation and collaboration, offering a full range of communications strategy, public affairs and corporate sustainability services.

Core values

Kreab’s values inspire all our activity. We are a diverse team in which each of our collaborators has their own personal work style, whilst never straying from Kreab’s values in each response and decision made in our professional advice.


We are committed to continued improvement and always bringing our best to an environment that changes very quickly. We seek the highest quality in each project we are involved in.


Our work must always be in accordance with the principles set out in our Code of Ethics, and any proposal that goes against these principles will be rejected.


We strive to understand the environment around us and develop behaviour that takes into account the different sensitivities of all those who relate to our company.


To offer the highest possible quality in any service we provide, we work to offer advice that is solid and rigorously independent, trying to maintain the reputation we have achieved over the years.


We share as far as possible, as long as confidentiality and competence commitments do not prevent or discourage it, information with our clients that helps them make informed decisions.

Compliance with the Ethical Code

The acceptance of the Kreab Ethical and Conduct Code by our professionals is essential to form part of our firm. All of our collaborators must also share and promote Kreab’s principles and values that are included in it and ensure their correct application.

Ethical Code

At Kreab, we are dedicated to upholding ethics and transparency in all of our activities. To achieve this, we have established the Ethics Channel, which provides a secure and confidential platform for reporting any situation that you believe goes against our values and principles.