News | Kreab and Asprima Meeting: New financing alternatives for real estate development

Encuentro Kreab


Kreab and Asprima Meeting: New financing alternatives for real estate development

On the 16th July the meeting took place: “New financing alternatives for real estate development” organised by Asprima and Kreab. Presented by Pablo Zamorano, Kreab Partner, the day’s main point of analysis was the recent arrival of new actors in the real estate sector to carry out financing projects.

The working breakfast had a discussion table with Juan Antonio Gómez-Pintado, president of Asprima and APCE, Borja Oria, Managing Partner of Arcano Partners, Juan Velayos, Managing Partner of Alantra and Rubén Bernat, CFO of Quabit. At the beginning, two issues that are critical for the sector about what companies lack in order to have a sustainable flow of financing and how they can make financing help them to be less cyclical were addressed.

During the different interventions the speakers were able to put on the table the best practices to understand how to undertake these projects and which are considered the best structures to deal with them effectively. In this line the bond market was raised as an upward trend in this alternative financing model.