Journalist and writer Manuel Jabois was the guest of the second edition of the ClosinGap Breakfasts, meetings that connect the communication managers of the companies that make up the cluster with renowned journalists.
During the breakfast, which took place Kreab Madrid’s offices, Manuel Jabois defended the need and urgency of a deep transformation to make gender equality a reality in all areas of society.
After the first ClosinGap Breakfast’s success, which featured the journalist María Eizaguirre as guest, the format was consolidated as a meeting point for exchanging opinions and discussing the informational fit of hot topics such as the gender gap have in main media.
About Manuel Jabois
Jabois is an journalist and columnist for the newspaper El País, and has just published the novel “Malaherba” (Alfaguara). In the past, he has worked as a journalist at El Mundo and the Diario de Pontevedra, where he began his career. In 2003 he received the Julio Camba National Journalism Award.
About ClosinGap
ClosinGap is the cluster formed in 2018 by Merck, Repsol, MAPFRE, Mahou San Miguel and Solán de Cabras, L’Oréal, BMW Group, Meliá Hotels International, Vodafone, Inditex, PwC and Bankia in order to analyse the opportunity cost that different gender gaps have on the economy and society.
The initiative originates from the project Healthy Women, Healthy Economies, launched by Merck globally in 2014 in collaboration with the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum. The cluster was launched on September 7th, 2018 with the participation of top representatives from its companies, who presented an initial diagnosis showing Spain to be among the most advanced countries in terms of equal opportunities despite the existence of inequalities in areas such as employment, education, pensions, leisure, etc.