Kreab and El País last Thursday organized the event “Trends Forum Spain 2019”, an observatory for geopolitical and economic trends in Spain next year. At the meeting top level speakers took part, such as Josu Jon Imaz, MD of Repsol; José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, President of Bankia; José María Álvarez-pallete, Executive Chairman of Telefónica; Helena Herrero, President of HP Spain and Portugal; Ángeles Santamaría, MD of Iberdrola Spain; Rafael de el Pino, Chairman of Ferrovial or Daniel Carreño, President and CEO of General Electric Spain and Portugal, among others.
It also stood out for its excellent content, including the dialogue between Eduardo Madina, Director of Kreab Research Unit and Moisés Naím, writer and columnist for EL PAÍS.
The event was also attended by his Majesty King Felipe VI and Minister of Economics and Business, Nadia Calviño, who put the finishing touch to the meet with a closing conference.