News | Eduardo Madina, José Bono and Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida discuss the election results of # 26M in Kreab

Superdomingo 26M


Eduardo Madina, José Bono and Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida discuss the election results of # 26M in Kreab

MADRID / 27 MAY, 2019


KREAB has published the post-election analysis report of the recent local, regional and European elections, prepared by the specialists of the Public Affairs team during a new edition of KREAB’s “Electoral Nights”.

The presentation of the report, held at the Kreab offices in Madrid on Monday 27th, included a debate on the conclusions and a detailed analysis of the results of the different processes.

The presentation, carried out by Eduardo Madina, director of the KREAB Research Unit, was attended by José Bono, former president of Congress, and Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida, an ex-spokesperson of CIU in Congress, who raised the most important keys of the new political scene after the electoral Super Sunday.

The report, drafted in English and Spanish, summarises the ten keys of the new political scenario in the wake of the polls and analyses the situation in all Autonomous Communities, main town councils and the European Parliament.