News | The German ambassador in Encuentros Kreab calls to “accelerate the Spanish-German engine”

Eugenio Martínez Bravo, president of Kreab Iberia and VP Kreab Worldwide, Wolfrang Dold, German ambassador in Madrid, and Carsten Moser, vice president of the Euroamerica Foundation, at Encuentros Kreab.


The German ambassador in Encuentros Kreab calls to “accelerate the Spanish-German engine”

Wolfgang Dold, Germany’s ambassador in Madrid, shared a working breakfast with representatives of a large group of companies to discuss Spanish-German relations and the framework of opportunities, which entail a close collaboration to face the current challenges of the European Union.

With a Europeanist speech, the ambassador highlighted the good state of Spanish-German relations today. The challenge, in the ambassador’s words, is to “accelerate the Spanish-German engine” at a time of uncertainty and instability. During the meeting, moderated by Eugenio Martínez, president of Kreab Iberia and VP Kreab Worldwide, Wolfgang Dold reinforced the need to continue working on the bilateral relations of the countries at all levels with the objective that they exist naturally and without the intervention of governments.

After the ambassador’s remarks and during question time, the participants were able to discuss the common spaces in which Spanish and German companies share interests and leadership. Thus, areas such as dual training, automotive, banking, ecological transition and artificial intelligence entail collaborative development environments for companies in both countries.


About Encuentros Kreab

Encuentros Kreab (Kreab Meetings) were created with the aim of promoting dialogue from the most influential opinion leaders in the country in an exclusive, private and off the record environment. These meetings have become a forum for debate and reflection on the political, economic